09 Oktober 2011

Date "1"

Today is July 1. I started this day remembering things that happened on July 1 about 8 years ago, then I realized that actually I have some noted experiences with 'date 1'.

July 1, 2001. It was Sunday. I just got back from church, and there was a guy, which I like, called me. He asked me to accompany him while he's doing some stuffs in the office. I was very glad having that invitation. But unfortunately, I already had a plan to go out with my sister and my friends, to celebrate birthday of two of them. We'd like to go to the playland, Dunia Fantasi.
The next day I came to the office, I got news that this guy just started the relationship with another girl from my division, just yesterday.
I was shock. I kept thinking for a while, that maybe if I had just said yes and came to accompany that guy, maybe I was the one who'd be his girlfriend...

June 1, 2004.
After hang out together for about 6 months, there was a guy who told me he loved me. Well... For 4 years this date had been a special date for me..:) We had our anniverssary every june 1. I knew from the start that the relation would be not easy, since he's younger than me. Plus, he was my student in sunday school for teenager couple years before. But as the time goes, (4 years,please!), finally I'd open my heart to him entirely. Until the day came when we had to break up for the reason that we'd been known from the start (his mother still didn't like me), I came to the conclusion, that actually I am the most stupid woman in the world.. I'd knew it from the start, still I went with the flow and fell in love with him; open my heart for him; and the worst was, I -finally- thinking about get married with him.. If I can chose the song to represent story about my relation, it's "I Know Him So Well". Even my brother in law feels sorry for my ex, not became a man yet..
Ok, the day we broke up wasn't 1, it's 7.. But anyway, actually I'm still having my broken heart with me until now..:((

And guess what? Starting the day with those thought in my mind, I was shocked with another bad news that affected me n' some of my close friends in the office.. One of my friends is going to leave us next month..:(
I feel sad for losing him. I feel sad for my company for loosing him. He's not the wisest one, yes.. But he's absolutely the smartest one. Not only in our team, our division, but if I could be honest, he is the smartest employee in my company...:((

Based on those 3 stories above, I just feel to write about date 1. I just hope that maybe the next 'memorable' date 1 that worth to be noted, will be the brighter, happy day for me.

#July 01, 2009#

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