09 Oktober 2011

Que sera-sera

Having my time being alone this eve, I'm looking back to the years I'd passed.. And finally it came to the moment when I was really just a kid, not even 4years yet. One thing I never forget about my childhood, my mom used to sing to my sister n' me, or sometimes she just put the radio/tape on, and sang along with it. She liked to translate the songs to us and explain the meaning of them while she was singing.

I just remembered one of the songs which I like much.. At that time I imagined it was julie andrews singing this song..

When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, 'what will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?' Here's what she said to me:

Que sera-sera, whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see, que sera-sera; what will be, will be

When I grew up and fell in love, I asked my sweetheart 'what life's ahead? Will we have rainbow day after day?' Here's what my sweetheart say:

Que sera-sera, whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see, que sera-sera, what will be, will be...

I leave the 3rd verse,coz I haven't got children on my own right now..
What I'm thinking about this song is the truth in it is really amazing.. We never know our future.
We never know or imagined what we'd become now.. Years ago, we never know that maybe we can be one of the employee of where we're working now. We never know that we will be friends with new people that we met in any occasions, maybe. And when people ask 'What do you think u'll be in the next 5 years?' What we can say is what we hope we'll be, actually. What we'd like to be... But nobody knows for sure that the answer is right or not..
And what I just -accidentally- found out that actually this is also the safe answer you can give if you get question that u don't know the answer, or maybe when u don't even care for the answer. People won't blame u when u say nobody knows the future. All are just prediction, estimation, but not the absolute situation, right...??

Having that last thought crossed in my mind, I tell myself that starting now I must be aware to people who says 'Que sera-sera' for my questions.. I really have to know the meaning of it when people say it; either one she/he gives me the wise answer, or she/he just -indeed- don't care about what I ask..

*June 15, 2009*

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