10 Juli 2012

To mom..

a book by Bradley Trevor Greive

I'm sure it's hard to imagine that I was once small, helpless, and completely dependent on someone else, but I was. and that someone else was you, mom.

- you were there to show me my first butterfly
- and my first rainbow
- you were there when I took my first step
- you were the first person to make me smile and laugh and you were right there to hear my first word
- you sculpted my face with a million tender kisses
- you taught me all the important stuff about our world and my place in it. I learned everything that matters from watching you and listening to you
- you shared with me all the life values
- thank you for being my full-time, on-call, personal chauffeur from day one
- thank you for encouraging me to recognize the real beauty inside me and to stand tall
as wonderful as our relationship has been, I'm not pretending it was always peaceful and perfect
I know we got into a flap over things every now and then, but upon reflection, I realize that I'm the one who should say, 'I'm sorry'
as you may recall, your little bundle of joy, wasn't always a bundle of laughs
- I'm sorry for the times I upset you....... or made you worry about me, and for all the sleepless nights I caused
I realize now what a tremendous sacrifice you made for me
frankly, I'd be lost without you, mom, and I only wish I had more than one lifetime to repay the incredible debt I owe you
- you have shown me a world filled with love and wonder
- you have put me on the path to a rich and rewarding life
thank you mom, thank you for everything.......

bought it just for my mom

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