10 Juli 2012

Understanding Love

Finally I went again to see my boy friend's father in a hospital. I had two reasons: I needed to accompany my mom, coz' she never had a chance to see him while her friends did; and the second, coz' -actually- I just wanted to.

When we were in the ICU room, looking to his parents all the time, while his mom talking with my mom, I learnt a lot about them, my boy friend's parents, I mean...

I saw the way he looked to his wife, even in his weakness, really showed how big is his love for her. Can you imagine, he, the strong soldier and one of tough guy I knew, was laying there in the hospital bed; being spoil to his wife, and really trying to get her attention always. When he held her hand, when he spoke to her, when he asked something to her (in a way of speaking that we others didn't understand)…; It really touched my heart. I was also touched seeing how the wife treated her husband in that kind of situation.
That made me realize, imagining the love between those two people, no wonder he had finally decided to follow her decision to not accept their son's girl friend.

Anyway, I've been thinking for these two weeks. After my first visit on Oct 24, -even when the first time I decided to go see his father in the hospital I really didn't mean to 'kiss their ass'-; I was also thinking about the radio sharing program on early June 09, that my boy friend's mother joined by calling to that station. On that sharing program she was told that the reason she rejected me being her son's girl friend is absolutely wrong, selfish, and couldn't be accepted.

Is there any possibility that his mother would change her mind, and ready to welcome me to be his son's girl friend which -who knows- will be his son's wife one day in a future?
Is there really any chance that she will 'like' me now...?
Would she gladly accept me now, even I am older than his son? Would she understand the love his son and I have; as I understand the love between her and her husband?

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