10 Juli 2012

to my sister: 100 wishes from my heart to yours

from the book by James & Lisa Grace
these are only few of them:

- may we not let distance keep us from being part of each other's life
- may you build a circle of friends that care for you and respect you
- may you find a partner who gives you strength
- may I always be willing to read your favorite book suggestions
- may you be able to make your passion your profession
- may we never stop laughing together
- may the world feel safer because my sister is looking out for me
- may we never end a conversation mad at each other
- may you always remember our late-nights talks
- may you find success in the endeavors you undertake
- may we grow wiser with the years and share that wisdom with each other
- may your life be filled with many smiles, more giggles and few tears
- may music be part of all your days
- may your favorite hobbies become your career
- may you carve out time for solitude & reflection from your busy schedule
- may we never give anyone the dictionary to our secret language
- may you share your love of life with everyone you meet
- may you know that you are a part of my life that cannot be replaced

I'm gonna send the book, for sure

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